
最後更新日期 : 2021-12-24


民國87年落成的「尚志教育研究館」係紀念大同大學創辦人 林尚志先生百歲誕辰而建。此館參酌美國維吉尼亞大學贈送Rotunda之設計藍圖,經黃宜章、蕭義雄等建築師、工程師改進設計建造而成。Rotunda為美國第三、四任總統傑佛遜(Thomas Jefferson)先生下任後到維吉尼亞設立大學的學術村參考羅馬萬神殿,親自設計、規劃、興建,曾在1976年美國建國兩百周年時榮獲全美傑出建築物選拔首獎。

 創辦人 林尚志先生為培養優秀工業人才,於民國三十一年結束個人事業,捐其財產創立大同大學,派 林挺生先生就任教授校長董事長職務,繼承其經驗與智慧,本著「建教合一、研究發展、正誠勤儉、工業報國」理念,從事教育研究工作,以培育智仁勇之工程師、經營者。 緬懷創辦人捐資興學、培育人才之偉大情操,特於其百歲誕辰日開工興建「尚志教育研究館」,以發揚建教合作,獎勵研究發展,促進文化交流,追求真、善、美、聖之大同境界。



Shan-Chih Hall

 The Shan-Chih Hall is dedicated to the memory of the 100th birthday of Mr. Shan-Chih Lin, founder of Tatung University. The Hall was redesigned from the Rotunda of the University of Virginia, originally designed by Mr. Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Jefferson was referred to as a brilliant statesman, architect, scientist, naturalist, educator and public servant. Both Rotunda and Shan-Chih Hall symbolize the two founders’ shared philosophy on and their dedication to education. Our Founder firmly believed that education laid the foundation for modernization and industrialization of Taiwan. He also believed that creating industrial business would lead the nation out of poverty and substantially improve its people’s standard of living.

 In the era of Japanese occupation and under the Japanese policy for “Industrial Japan and Agricultural Taiwan”, there was no industrial base in Taiwan. Our Founder had to start everything from scratch. He donated his property in 1942 to set up training and education programs to cultivate engineering talent, and later on to establish Tailing Senior High School and Tatung University. Dr. T. S. Lin was appointed Professor, President of Tatung University and Chairman of Tatung Company.

 Since then, Dr. Lin has dedicated himself to the implementation of management philosophy “integration of education and industry” for 58 years. Many graduates from Tatung University have been working in Tatung and become key executives in Tatung Company. Meanwhile, faculty members have engaged in many research projects to serve as the front end of product development at Tatung.

 The six pillars in the facade of the Hall are the symbol of the six key management principles of Tatung, product features, quality, delivery punctuality, services, creation of customer base, and profit sharing. It is Tatung’s belief that customer is our number one priority. Customer satisfaction can be realized only when the six key principles are thoroughly carried out.

 The five-story structure houses the President’s Office, conference rooms, concert hall, computer and language labs, audio-video library, distant learning classrooms, and so forth. Shan-Chih Hall not only has given a significant addition to the beautiful campus of Tatung University, but also has become a new landmark in Taipei.